Corona Pandemic: Will China's strict rules save the Winter Olympic Games from Omicron?

Corona Pandemic: Will China's strict rules save the Winter Olympic Games from Omicron?: China has implemented a 'closed loop system' for these games. It is said that before this such strict rules have not been implemented in any sporting event anywhere in the world. According to Chinese officials, under this rule, people associated with the game will have to stay in the loop.

Corona Pandemic: Will China's strict rules save the Winter Olympic Games from Omicron?

Concerns about the Corona epidemic have increased here ahead of the Winter Olympic Games starting on Friday in Beijing. Recently, infection with the Omicron variant of the corona virus has spread relatively more rapidly here. Although almost the entire population in Beijing and surrounding areas has been fully vaccinated, people who have been vaccinated with the Omicron variant are also becoming infected. Despite this, the Chinese authorities are adamant on holding the Olympic Games as per the schedule.

Corona Pandemic: Will China's strict rules save the Winter Olympic Games from Omicron?

'Closed Loop System' implemented

China has implemented a 'closed loop system' for these games. It is said that before this such strict rules have not been implemented in any sporting event anywhere in the world. According to Chinese officials, under this rule, people associated with the game will have to stay in the loop. The purpose is that the infection does not reach between them in any way. Under this, the people of Beijing have also been instructed not to reach there for help even if any Olympic vehicle crashes.

These steps of China have been severely criticized at the international level. According to Professor Anne Sparrow at the Icahn School of Medicine in New York in the US, it seems that China is focusing more on protecting itself, not athletes. Athletes, teams from different countries and journalists are being regularly tested for COVID after their arrival as per applicable rules. Those who are suspected to be infected are being quarantined. When players return to their home country at the end of the competition, they will be taken directly to the airport. From there they will be sent to their country on non-commercial flights.

Corona Pandemic: Will China's strict rules save the Winter Olympic Games from Omicron?

not ready to cancel the game

Famous American athlete Apollo Ohno, who arrived for the Winter Olympic Games, said in a conversation with the American website Rolling Stone- 'China has taken its decision and they are going to implement it. They are not ready to cancel the Games.

Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy in Minnesota, US, told the website – 'The trillion dollar question is, will they be able to beat Omicron? In principle, they have made a plan that will save the Games from Kovid. But I cannot say anything for sure about how effective this plan will actually be against this virus.

Corona Pandemic: Will China's strict rules save the Winter Olympic Games from Omicron?

Experts say that even during the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo last year, the International Olympic Committee followed strict rules. But there many people got infected with Kovid-19. At that time the level of vaccination in the world was not as high as it is today. Before coming to the Beijing Olympic Games, China has put a condition for full vaccination. Those who have not taken the vaccine, have had to stay in quarantine here for 21 days.

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