In May last year, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas bought a new house in Los Angeles. Now in an interview to Harper's Bazaar Arabia, Priyanka talks about the house and why it is special. Priyanka Chopra said, "We've built the house we've dreamed of, we've built the house that I feel has room for everything we have in life." And when I'm at home, I'm at home." Love the most." Feeling at peace." In late 2019, Priyanka and her husband Nick Jonas bought a 20,000-square-foot home in the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles, reportedly worth $20 million. They are yet to return to their new home. Appropriate photos and videos have not been shared with.
As Harper's Bazaar Arabia reports, the home features a Hollywood infinity pool and movie theater, a two-lane bowling alley, a games room, and an indoor basketball court. The home overlooks the hills, with living rooms featuring double-height ceilings, a sun-kissed porch, a built-in gym, a recording studio, and modern interiors in shades of white and gray. The outdoor area has comfortable seating arrangement.
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