When Ramesh Dev from Navvadi started dancing on the stage with enthusiasm, even the youth were ashamed; Watch that raucous VIDEO: Mumbai, Feb 2: Veteran actor Ramesh Deo has died of a heart attack in Mumbai. Just four days ago, he celebrated his 93rd birthday. The handsome hero of Marathi cinema, the character actor Ramesh Dev, who also played famous roles in Hindi films, lived as a true actor till the very end. This can be seen from a viral video that went viral in his last days.
Ramesh Deo was born on 30th January 1929 in Kolhapur. His career spanned over 6 decades. Even after 80 years, he continued to appear in some advertisements and short films. Ramesh Deo's career started in earnest with the 1956 film 'Andhala Magato Dola'.