World Cancer Day History: In today's time the whole world is scared of Covid. Everyone is battling this dangerous virus for the last two years. Due to increasing pollution and changing environment, various new diseases are making people their victims, due to which there is a lot of fear among scientists. One of these dangerous diseases is cancer.
World Cancer Day is celebrated every year on 4 February to make people aware of this disease. Celebration of this day was started in the year 1933. On this day, various programs are organized around the world to spread awareness about cancer and to spread its symptoms to the people, so that people can identify it at the right time. So let us tell you some special things of this day.
First Cancer Day celebrated in 1933
The first Cancer Day was celebrated in Geneva, Switzerland in the year 1933 at the initiative of the World Health Organization. Since then a new theme has been released on Cancer Day every year. The purpose behind this is to make common people aware about the dangers of cancer and from its symptoms to its prevention. Many people have a misconception that touching spreads cancer, due to which people do not treat cancer patients well. But it is not so at all, rather this assumption is completely wrong. Instead of discriminating against these patients, we should support them.
Cancer discovery and history
The origin of the word cancer is attributed to the Greek physician Hippocrates (460–370 BC). He is also considered the "Father of Medicine". Hippocrates used the terms carcinoma and carcinoma to describe non-ulcer-forming and ulcer-forming tumors. In Greek, the word refers to a crab, possibly applied to disease. Evidence of cancer cells was seen in dinosaur fossils from 700-800 million years ago. It was discovered in 2003 after several researches. At the same time, the oldest hominid malignant tumor was found in Homo erectus 42-39 million years ago. Louis Leakey gave this information in 1932.
3000 BC. Evidence of cancer cells was found in Egyptian mummies during this period. In 1600 BC, local people in Egypt spoke of cancer among the gods. Ancient Egyptian scrolls describe eight cases of breast tumors treated by the uterus. They have told that drinking boiled barley mixed with dates cures stomach cancer. 500 BC Ramayana in India describes treatment with arsenic paste to stop growing tumors.
In 50 AD, Romans in Italy discovered that some tumors could be surgically removed. But he saw that no medicine is working in this disease. He said that even after all the efforts, some of the tumors grew again. In the 1500s, autopsies for cancer detection were conducted more frequently in Europe and the understanding of internal cancers increased. Zacharias Janssen invented the microscope in 1595 in the Netherlands.
types of cancer
According to the World Health Organization, one out of every 10 Indians is at risk of cancer and by 2025, 1.6 million people in the country may become victims of cancer. In which most breast cancer patients will be there. There are more than 100 types of this dangerous disease. The most common of these are skin cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, bladder cancer, melanoma, lymphoma, kidney cancer. Breast, colorectal, lung, cervical and thyroid cancers are most common in women, while lung, prostate, colorectal, stomach and liver cancers are most common in men.
due to cancer
There are many reasons for getting cancer. However, the most common causes are smoking, tobacco, lack of physical activity, poor diet, radiation from X-rays, UV rays from the sun, infections, family genes, etc.
Edited by - Rohit Raj